Juvenile plantar dermatosis

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Juvenile plantar dermatosis

Juvenile plantar dermatosis


Juvenile plantar dermatosis is a skin condition that primarily affects children, characterized by dry, scaly patches on the soles of the feet.  It often appears during the early school years and can cause discomfort or pain.

Signs & Symptoms of Juvenile plantar dermatosis

It occurs as shiny, red patches on the weight-bearing surfaces of the feet.  The skin appears tight and often smooth.  Occasionally, painful cracks may be present.  Even though children may complain of sweating, the skin feels dry and scaly.

The most common locations for this condition include the:

  • Big toe.
  • Ball of the foot.
  • Heel of the foot.

The creases between the toes (toe webs) are not usually affected.

What causes juvenile plantar dermatosis?

Juvenile plantar dermatosis may be caused by:

  • Repetitive frictional movements, as the foot moves up and down in a shoe
  • The occlusive effect of covered footwear, especially synthetic shoes (eg, nylon or vinyl)
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), which when followed by rapid drying leads to cracking and fissuring
  • Genetic sensitivity of the skin
  • Climatic changes: with worsening during the summer months due to heat and sweating, and in colder months due to the wearing of winter boots. Hence there is no consistent seasonal variation.


  • Keeping the feet clean and dry.
  • Moisturizing creams or ointments to hydrate the skin.
  • Avoiding irritants or tight footwear.


  • Regular foot hygiene.
  • Wearing breathable, well-fitting shoes.
  • Applying moisturizer after bathing.

We are independent prescribers able to prescribe any medication from the BNF relevant to the lower limb, foot and ankle.

Are you suffering from any hand or foot condition?  At The Chelsea Clinic, we can help.  One of our podiatrist can assist and then recommend what treatments are best to get you back on track. Podiatrist South Kensington
Schedule an appointment here or you may call us at +44 (0) 207 101 4000


We hope you have a feetastic day!

-The Chelsea Clinic and Team



Learn more about Fungal Nails

Read our blog about Ichthyosis https://www.thechelseaclinic.uk/ichthyosis/

Learn more about May-Thurner Syndrome https://www.thechelseaclinic.uk/may-thurner-syndrome/

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